Thursday, January 24, 2008

Omarion's Defense To The Chris Strokes Allegations

Omarion Defends Chris Stokes. Raz-B Retracts Allegations! Is it a cover-up?
Posted December 27, 2007 c/o

In the words of Sly & the Family Stone: “It’s a family affair.” And like that funk classic, it’s a sad tale where regardless of the situation, “Blood is thicker than the mud.”

With the regards the ongoing debate of whether manager and B2K group-founder Chris Stokes molested members Raz B, Ricardo Thornton, and Marques Houston (from Immature), fellow former member Omarion steps up the plate to defend Stokes, claiming that he saw nothing inappropriate about the manager’s behavior.

“I want to be on the record as saying that Raz B Thorton and Ricardo Thorton are lying regarding Chris Stokes,” claims Omarion. He then goes on to point out, “He’s married to my aunt and I know this man very well. I stand behind him with no question whatsoever.”

But what about those crazy YouTube confessions and accusations Raz B and Ricardo made? And the one in which Stokes – via phone – is allegedly yet inadvertently confessing to the charges with statements like “I don’t do those things anymore?”

Stokes claims that those conversations were altered. “I did not say what they accuse me of saying in the context in which it was taken - all statements which were attributed to me were doctored,” he said.

Let’s not forget that these allegations were made two weeks after Raz B and Ricardo were denied entrance at tha soiree Stokes was hosting in Beverly Hills. Still that doesn’t mean that the molestation didn’t happen.

So folks, who’s telling the truth and who’s lying? Also, what story do you think Marques Houston will bring to the table?


Raz-B recently retracted his allegations against Chris Stokes on video. Saying that the tape were leaked?!? What?

The plot thickens!!!

Check out Raz B's call to Miss Jones on Hot 97!

Watch the videos that began the allegations:

The Legendary Mastermind

The Legendary Mastermind
New York City Back Drop