Friday, November 21, 2008

Ordinary, Everyday People #1. Personal Chi.

>2/17/07- Episode 2: "Personal Chi"

On some serious shyt tho, somebody just said to me (in a ghetto prophet-like manner) "it's strange how things change and time don't wait for anyone." It reminds me of what I'm reading in "Things Fall Apart", by Chinua Achibe. It's based on African customs, where they believed in living human gods that punish you daily for your wrongs. They believe in "personal chi", which is a way of looking at your current life and blaming it on karma.

As some of us know "Top Flight" got electrocuted to DEATH. Folks gave him a hard time because he was the security guard at the parties who would be dancing crazy and trying to flirt with ladies, he was always walking somewhere in his black leather trench coat and kangol, and he wore these big ass glasses. I made fun of him too... until I started DJing and promoting and he was one of my regular venue security guards. "Top Flight" was no joke, he looked like it but he was a cool intelligent brother. He almost couldn't believe it when I would see him walking and pull over to give him a ride, because nobody was nice to him like that... they was too busy judging the book by it's cover.

It's never about what another muthafukka thinks about you. WORRY ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL CHI. Treat people the way you wanna be treated because 'time don't wait for anyone', and you might get shocked by your microwave tomorrow! Rest In Peace son.

The Legendary Mastermind

The Legendary Mastermind
New York City Back Drop